Can you see Your Mama rolling our eyes?
The folks at TMZ report today that the (melo)drama magnets are in the final stages of securing the lease on a $20,000 per month mansion in Beverly Hills where they can bring up (surrogate) baby. (More uncontrollable eye rolling). We simply can't be bothered to look up the details but from what we can see from listing photos the house–a kind of Palladian-influenced Neoclassical Federal-Colonial–sits nestled into a steep hillside. In front a circular drive sweeps across the front of the house where a pair of lions guard the double-height porch. In the rear a wide brick patio wraps around a rectangular dark-bottomed swimming pool. Amid the thick foliage on the hillside a dramatically lit waterfall adds a pretty but incongruous air of a tropical resort hotel to an otherwise very traditional house.
Knowing these two troublemakers are in town makes Your Mama want to stay inside 24/7. That is until we recognize we're unlikely to frequent–or crash–the same sorts of parties and events as Mister and Missus Salahi who, bless their hearts, will no doubt attempt to immerse themselves with an embarrassingly ravenous fervor into the moneyed intersection between Hollywood and the high-brow charity circuit scene in the Platinum Triangle.
Is the queen of all reality tee-vee Andy Cohen over at Bravo going to pull a fast one and re-hire Miz Salahi for The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills? We don't know nuthin' about that, butter beans, but stranger things have happened, stranger things have certainly happened.
Oh wait, here's the update. Mister Cohen reportedly rejected the Salahi's efforts to be cast on the Bev Hills edition of The Real Housewives... Whatever will they do now?
listing photos: themls.com via TMZ
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