Anyhoo, it wasn't long after than her neighbors began to have hissy fits about the frequent disruptions caused by both the filming for Miss Conrad's boob toob program and the stream of tourist buses and sightseeing vans that now roll by at all hours of the day. At that time The Hills was still at the apex of its success, with near constant–and probably mostly faux–cat fights and altercations between the casually but meticulously coiffured "stars."
Miss Conrad left the The Hills–we're not sure nor do we care to find out if it's still airing–wrote some books and launched a few clothing lines. She also, as per gossip juggernaut TMZ, recently put her perfectly charming and expensively updated Spanish style casa on the market for $2,250,000.
Back in 2009 Miss Conrad moved from her house to a condo in Westwood that she felt offered better security. Apparently there were dumb-ass fans who would actually climb over the walls and fences around her house. Now, puppies, we realize that we have but a tiny leg on which to stand here, but how moronic does a person have to be to think it's clever to trespass on some celebrity's property? What in the damn world are they thinking? That Miss Conrad's gonna come out the damn house and invite them in for tea? No children, she's going to do as she should and sic her security team on that idiot. Seriously
Anyhoo, when she decamped for a posh apartment tower on Wilshire Boulevard, she put her house Hollywood out for lease at $11,000 per month. We have no idea if Miss Conrad leased out or ever moved back into her house. Whatever the case she's decided to sell it.
listing photo: 360 Realty
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