Once a forlorn street with only ramshackle buildings better for disposing of cars than for strolling, despite its location in downtown Silver Spring and proximity to the Metro, Ripley Street is on its way to birthing two residential developments. The first, by
Washington Property Company and
Lessard Design, will feature 295 rental units (9 live-work replaced what was to be a retail space) inside a 17-story structure, with a "resort-style" pool at 1150 Ripley Street. WPC
broke ground in September of 2009 and will now deliver the first units the 1st week of May. Work is expected to continue through August.
The second site, by
Home Properties, will deliver a
Shalom Baranes designed residential tower late next year.
Eleven55 Ripley, originally conceived as
Midtown Silver Spring, will offer 379 "premier apartments" in a 20-story building and adjacent 5-story building, adding a small pocket park as a public amenity.

Silver Spring real estate development news
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