Monday, June 25, 2012

I received the May financials for the Houston apartment complex and I'm pleased to see the numbers continue their improvement. Last month's record income was exceeded by almost $3,000, setting another new record for the highest income since 2010. Also, as mentioned last month, we received a reimbursement from our insurance company for some electrical work that was done last month. Just as the expense depressed our monthly income last month, the refund inflated our monthly income this month. However, if we exclude that amount, the property actually showed a $1,200 profit this month! That's the first time in a long time the property has been in positive territory. Looking at the entire year so far, it's still underwater, but it's possible the property  may be emerging from the red sea.

Will this trend continue? I hope so. In what may or may not be an ominous sign, management did not give an indication of how June was shaping up.


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