Euroskeptics have surged once again in Finland according to reader JT who writes ...
True Fins Become Giant in Municipal Elections
Via Google Translate of the link sent by JT, please consider True Finns Become Giant in Municipal Elections

KOK - National Coalition Party
PS - True Finns
SDP - Social Democrat Party
KSEK - Centre Party
Support for True Finns dropped as low as 5% but is now back to being the third largest party again, with a good shot at moving higher.
Rise of Neo-Nazis in Greece
Things of a far more ominous nature are picking up steam in Greece. The Raw Story reports Greek State Tries to Stem Neo-Nazi Rise.
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Hello Mish
The message of the True Finns, the Finnish anti-bailout, anti-euro party in the local elections is crystal clear: They do not think it makes any sense to cut local services due to budget deficits and at the same time, shovel billions to bail out Southern Europe.
That message is resonating. According to the latest poll, True Finns are going to more than triple their support, going from about 5% to at least 17%. Final numbers could be even higher due to the fact that the polling company, Taloustutkimus Oy, is owned by a member of the largest party, Kokoomus (National Coalition in English), and his polls have consistently underestimated True Finns popularity.
Will anything change even if True Finns win big? Probably not. The six other governing parties have not changed their policies at all despite the popularity of True Finns.
Here is the link to the surge of the True Finns. You can probably google translate it. JT
True Fins Become Giant in Municipal Elections
Via Google Translate of the link sent by JT, please consider True Finns Become Giant in Municipal Elections
Yle News fresh municipal election survey, the basic Finnish vote for 17.2 percent of the respondents, and the party treble the last municipal elections, voting prey. The biggest loser would be center, but would have to lose all the other parties except the Greens.Finland Polls
The True Finns has risen from the previous, August AWARD measurement of almost one and a half percentage points.
The National Coalition Party is still the most popular by 21.5 per cent. SDP was measured at 19.9 and 15.9 per cent in the center of the readings. August SDP has risen by 1.2 percentage points. The Conservative Party's popularity has dropped to 1.2 and 0.7 percentage points of the city center.

KOK - National Coalition Party
PS - True Finns
SDP - Social Democrat Party
KSEK - Centre Party
Support for True Finns dropped as low as 5% but is now back to being the third largest party again, with a good shot at moving higher.
Rise of Neo-Nazis in Greece
Things of a far more ominous nature are picking up steam in Greece. The Raw Story reports Greek State Tries to Stem Neo-Nazi Rise.
Following its unprecedented election to parliament, Greece’s neo-Nazi group Golden Dawn has been engaged in ‘law and order’ crackdowns and solidarity gestures that have boosted its popularity, alarming the state.Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Tightly regimented and dressed in black T-shirts stamped with the meander, an ancient Greek motif, Golden Dawn is also suspected of orchestrating a rising trend of racist violence against foreigners, legal or otherwise.
The group’s ratings have risen to over 10 percent in recent opinion polls.
“It’s a strategy reminiscent of Italian neo-fascism in the ’70s,” she said. The self-styled nationalist party, which campaigned in June elections with pledges to “scour the country clean”, has capitalised on the perception that undocumented migration has been allowed to run rampant.
It has benefited from judicial inertia and a suspiciously soft-handed response by police, who usually fail to arrest Golden Dawn members even when under direct attack by them.
And it has exploited anger towards Greece’s political system which is blamed by most people for the country’s economic ills.
“It’s a new phenomenon that is very dangerous for the parliamentary system,” said Yiannis Mavris, a political analyst whose polling institute Public Issue recently recorded the party’s rating at “nearly double” its score at the last election, where it picked up over 425,000 votes.
Golden Dawn “is here to stay,” Mavris said.
A former police unionist who is now a lawmaker recently warned the ruling coalition that planned pay cuts to police “would send 300,000 families directly to Golden Dawn.”
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