Wednesday, October 3, 2012

IMF chief Christine Lagarde says IMF ready to help Spain.
The International Monetary Fund stands ready to help Spain in multiple ways if Madrid seeks its aid, IMF chief Christine Lagarde said in a newspaper interview published on Wednesday.

"If Spain wants it, we could help in diverse ways, for example by simply auditing and monitoring reforms negotiated with its European partners without the IMF participating in financing," Lagarde told French daily Le Figaro.

"But we could also play a role in financing," she added.
Reflections on Translations

I frequently translate articles from Spanish, German, Italian and other languages. However, the biggest syntactical changes occur in seldom-offered elsewhere, yet, badly-needed English-to-English translations.

As a public service announcement, the Mish translation of the above statements by Lagarde is the same as the title of this post "IMF Ready to Plunder Spain".

IMF Trojan Horse

Any time the IMF offers money or help, it is an offer best refused. I have written about this before and offer this 2010 flashback To Ireland With Love

Mentally cross out "Ireland" and write in "Spain".

The IMF was not out to "help" Ireland. Rather the IMF was out to plunder Ireland for the benefit of banks in the UK, Germany, and France. The same Trojan Horse setup applies today.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock


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