Wednesday, October 17, 2012

DC zoning panel dismisses suit to stop Wal-Mart (Washington Business Journal) Opponents of the Georgia Avenue Wal-Mart, who had filed a nuisance suit to stop the retailing behemoth, were dealt a (possibly) final blow as the Board of Zoning Adjustment ruled that the project could go forward.

DC is building its way out of recession (Huff Post)  Oh my gosh, there's alot of new construction going on around DC, helping the local economy out of the loo...

...then again, maybe it's not out of the toilet yet (Fiscal Times) Commercial real estate is facing a looming crisis.  "It's as bad as it's ever been..."

Administration program on target to refi 1 million homes this year (Wall Street Journal)  President Obama's FHFA program for refinancing troubled mortgages has already refinanced over 600,000, the administration reports.


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