Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Word on the celebrity real estate street is that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West were out peeping on some posh and pricey properties in Miami Beach, FL yesterday.

Your Mama—who does not know a a Gerbera Daisy from the Gerber baby—has no idea if the perpetually pap-trailed publicity magnets are just looking for a little free press to keep their fame flame aglow, if their just looking for a multi-million dollar part-time love shack or if they plan to settle their high-maintenance selves down and make babies (or whatever) in the high-energy, multi-culti mosh pit that is Miami Beach.

Call us a cynic—and we have been called far worse—but would any of the piglets be surprised if this here house hunt was taped for Kourtney & Kim Take Miami, one of Kimmy K's several reality program? Or of, instead of a nest to feather with K.W., she was just looking to lease a big ol' house to camp out in while filming said reality program? Well, we certainly wouldn't be surprised but, truth is, trying to figure out the difference between what is real and what is reality t.v. with these two—particularly with her—is like a trout trying to solve a damn Rubic's cube. It just can't be done.

Anyhoo, we spent a few minutes looking around to see if we could suss out which property or properties the couple toured—they reportedly checked out four water front properties priced between 7 and 10 million clams—but turned up empty handed. We'll have another look around and see what we can turn up or—better yet—maybe one of the better informed children down in Miami Beach will give Your Mama a ringy-dingy and clue us in. How's that sound?

The big-bootied amateur porn star turned gossip glossy staple and reality television supernova Kimmy K. owns a faux-Spanish mini-mansion in Beverly Hills she bought in February 2010 for $3,400,000 and the even bigger ego-ed Mister West owns an art-filled, multi-story hillside residence just above Hollywood that he bought in December 2003 for $1,750,000 and briefly had on the market in spring 2010 with a $3,995,000 price tag. Since at least the mid-Aughts fashion-obsessed Mister West has also maintained an apartment in New York City where he combined a two modestly sized units in a swank SoHo apartment house that he had worked over in an aggressively minimalist fashion by conceptual Italian architect Claudio Silvestrin.


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