Over the weekend Your Mama received a couple of covert communiques that each contained a bit of additional scuttlebutt as regards to the recent and much publicized real estate activities of behemoth-bootied reality t.v. star Kim Kardashian and her culture vulturing man-friend and baby daddy Kanye West.
Even the most casual of dabblers in the celebrity real estate gossip milieu know that Miss Kardashian very recently and quietly sold her approximately 3,800 square foot faux-Tuscan bachelorette pad in the Beverly Hills Post Office area in an off-market deal for an (as-yet) undisclosed amount of dough. The identity of the buyer is shielded behind a Florida-based corporate concern and—although we can't verify the assertion—according to our ever-savvy source Yolanda Yakketyak Miss Kardashian sold the walled and gated five bedroom and 5 bathroom house to a well known but not exactly famous married man described to Your Mama as a former college basketball player turned powerhouse sports agent turned successful sports industry executive turned Florida-based real estate mogul.
The second tidbit that unexpectedly landed in our lap via Your Mama's occasional but always spot on informant Patty Putsittogether pertains to the 9,000 (or so) square foot McMansion in Bel Air's guard-gated Bel Air Crest community that in early January the unmarried and procreating couple were widely reported to have purchased (shown above). Property records do indeed now reveal that in late January 2013 the couple—or at least Miss Kardashian through the same trust connected her former faux-Tuscan in the Bev Hills P.O.—coughed up an undisclosed amount of moolah for the big ol' Bel Air Crest crib in question that sits on three-quarters of an acre with scenic canyon and city views and was last listed with a $10,750,000 price tag.
Howevuh, hunny bunnies, don't count on K.K. and Kanye to gut or expand the five bedroom and 6.5 bathroom mock-Med McMansion, as was previously reported they planned to do. In fact, don't even count on them moving into the damn house because, according to Patty, they are already in escrow to flip the pricey pad for about a million bucks more than the still unknown amount they paid for the place just three weeks ago.
Such are the strange and wacky real estate ways of the rich and famous...
listing photos: Photos for Homes for Nelson Shelton & Associates
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