The Argent, downtown Silver Spring's only all-affordable apartment building, opens its doors tomorrow. Built in 2009 by Washington DC-based Perseus Realty LLC as "luxury" condos (outward appearances notwithstanding) the condo project languished with few sales (actually none) and financing gone south, sitting vacant for more than a year until sold earlier this year to Utah based Pallas Properties and Paradigm Financial Consulting for $24.8m.
Pallas snapped up the 96-unit property earlier this summer for $258,000 per unit, with the assistance of federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits in a plan that keeps 90% of the units set aside for tenants with less than 60% of the Average Median Income (up to $43,000) and 10% of the apartments at less than 50% AMI. The Argent offers underground parking and, in a rare twist for a multi-family building, stainless steel appliances, ceramic floor tiles, and granite countertops. The deal keeps the units income restricted for 30 years. Montgomery County contributed $5m through the Housing Initiative Fund.
But the addition of an entirely low-income building took neighbors by surprise, reports SouthSilverSpring blog, and not in a good way. Subsidized apartments are rife
Update Sept 16: At the ceremony, Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett released a statement that said “One of my top priorities is increasing the amount of affordable housing in Montgomery County...These units will provide much-needed safe and affordable housing to 96 individuals and families and give yet another boost to South Silver Spring.”
Silver Spring real estate development news
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