Property records show that a trust known to be affiliated with Mister Smith and Missus Pinkett Smith paid $910,000 for a 4,146 square foot mock-Med style mini-mansion that includes 5 bedrooms and 5.5 poopers. Listing information for the fairly newly constructed two-story residence (above) shows there are wrought iron banisters, double height ceilings, three fireplaces, 2-car attached garage and a small swimming pool and spa.
Let's be honest, hunnies, these two live phine and phat with a silver spoon so far up in their mouths it's in their stomach so we can't for the life of us imagine they'd pack up their designer duds and three shorties and move from their lavish southwestern-style 22,000+ square foot mega-mansion in the rugged mountains (below) to an upper middle class but very non-descript suburban street in Woodland damn Hills. A little looky-loo at the map shows the acquired crib sits tight on a tiny (and approximately) .17-acre lot just 7.8 miles from Mister Smith and Missus Pinkett Smith's colossal compound in the secluded boonies of the Santa Monica Mountains, which makes Your Mama think it may have been purchased for staff or family.

Records also show that Mister Smith's trust paid $700,000 for a 2,165 square foot residence in a leafy enclave just north of Philadelphia, PA back in February of 1998 and $937,500 for an a mini-estate in nearby Bryn Mawr, PA the year before.
listing photo (top): Neighbor City
aerial photo (bottom): Pacific Coast News
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