Sunday, September 9, 2012

We love to hear news like this, don’t we?  Note the mention of healthcare at retail sites – something covered in a previous post on this blog by Phil Runkel.

Medical Office Building Market Heating Up

Will medical office building (MOB) sales soon return to the levels of the boom years of 2006-08?

It’s too soon to tell. But recent MOB sales activity has clearly taken a step in that direction, according to the most recent edition of Healthcare Real Estate Insights™.

HREI™, the only national publication that reports on and analyzes healthcare real estate news and trends, cited new data from the commercial real estate research firm Real Capital Analytics Inc. indicating that the total dollar volume of MOB sales increased sharply during the second quarter (Q2) of 2012. During Q2, there were 183 properties sold with a total value of more than $1.63 billion, according to RCA.

“That is the highest quarterly sales level recorded since the fourth quarter of 2010 and the fourth highest ever – at least since RCA began tracking MOBs sales in the first quarter of 2001,” HREI™ Editor John B. Mugford says. “Even during the MOB sales heyday of 2006-08, only two quarters saw greater sales volume than was recorded last quarter.”

And the rebound might continue, Mr. Mugford adds. “We don’t make predictions. But I can tell you that we are already tracking several large transactions that have either closed or are likely to close before Sept. 30 that could make Q3 another high-volume quarter for MOB sales,” he says.

“One or two quarters are not definitive proof of a sustained market recovery,” Mr. Mugford cautions. “But Q2 was the third consecutive quarter during which MOBs sales topped $1 billion, and that hasn’t happened since Q4 2007 and the first two quarters of 2008. So the recent increase in MOB sales activity certainly suggests that healthcare real estate investment and development have picked up steam.”

Other healthcare real estate trends: ambulatory strategies, repurposing and healthcare at retail sites.

 (Read on at


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