Friday, September 14, 2012

Healthcare developers – encourage your clients to go paperless!  The Associated Press reports that mounds of paperwork threaten the integrity of a VA facility in Winston-Salem, N.C.
(From the AP article:)
VA paperwork could crush N.C. office building
The Department of Veterans Affairs is notorious for red tape, but the piles of paperwork at a facility in North Carolina have grown so high that their weight had bowed the floor, prompting worries the building might collapse.
A recent report issued by the VA's Inspector General found the agency's regional office in Winston-Salem had huge numbers of folders containing veterans' benefits claims stacked on the floor and on top of filing cabinets.
The report advised that so much paperwork had accumulated that it "appeared to have the potential to compromise the integrity of the building," thereby creating an unsafe workplace for the federal employees.
According to the report, the VA has since begun moving the files to other sections of the building until a long-term solution is found.


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